04/15/2019 – Let’s Get Ready’s 13th Annual Gala

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Let’s Get Ready provides free SAT prep, admission counseling, and post-enrollment mentoring to students from low-income backgrounds and first-generation-to-college students to help them get into and graduate from college. Our peer-driven program is administered by volunteer college students, keeping costs low and ensuring outstanding success rates.

Let’s Get Ready’s annual gala is our signature fundraising event and includes a cocktail reception, dinner, programmatic auction and awards presentation. The evening will feature our impressive and ambitious participants–high school and college students who are part of a movement of students helping students to and through college.


Pier Sixty
Chelsea Piers
New York, NY 02110

(Off of 11th Avenue, across from W 20th st)

Bus: The M23 bus, which runs across 23rd Street, stops at Pier 62, the front door of Chelsea Piers. From Pier 62, it is a short walk to Pier Sixty, The Lighthouse at Pier 61 and Current at Pier 59. Bus: The M14 bus, which runs across 14th Street, stops at West 18th Street, adjacent to Pier 59 – Current. From Pier 59- Current, it is a short walk to Pier Sixty.
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